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  • 更新时间:2014-03-04 01:18:22
  • 软件类别: 国产软件 / 通达信公式
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    我绝对不会卖指标,也没有这必要! 有本事就明目张胆地挑战我,不要鬼鬼祟祟的!

In “Timing The Market With Pairs Logic” in this issue, author Perry Kaufman explains how to backtest the idea of hedging with an index-based ETF. Based on his article, we have created two new strategies and a new study for thinkorswim users in our proprietary scripting language, thinkScript. One strategy is for the equity and the other strategy is for the ETF.
For the Equity Strategy click here or:

From our TOS Charts, Select Studies → Edit Studies.
Select the Strategy tab in the upper left hand corner.
Select New in the lower left hand corner.
Name the strategy (i.e. Stress)
Click in the script editor window, remove “addOrder(OrderType.BUY_AUTO, no);” and paste the following:
script StressIndicator {
    input stock = "<currently selected symbol>";
    input index = "SPY";
    input length = 50;

    def rangeStock = Highest(high(stock), length) - Lowest(low(stock), length);
    plot StochStock = 100 * if rangeStock != 0 then (close(stock) - Lowest(low(stock), length)) / rangeStock else 0;

    def rangeIndex = Highest(high(index), length) - Lowest(low(index), length);
    plot StochIndex = 100 * if rangeIndex != 0 then (close(index) - Lowest(low(index), length)) / rangeIndex else 0;

    def diff = StochStock - StochIndex;
    def rangeDiff = Highest(diff, length) - Lowest(diff, length);
    plot Stress = 100 * if rangeDiff != 0 then (diff - Lowest(diff, length)) / rangeDiff else 0;

input index = "SPY";
input length = 50;
input investment = 5000;
input entryLevel = 10;
input exitLevel = 50;
input stopLoss = 10.0;
input minPrice = 3.0;
input minPriceLength = 5;

def minPirceOk = Lowest(close, minPriceLength) > minPrice;
def stress = reference StressIndicator(index = index, length = length).Stress;
def entryPrice = EntryPrice();
def crisisStop = close / entryPrice - 1 < -stopLoss / 100;
def isReady = if !isReady[1] and stress > 50 then yes else if IsNaN(crisisStop) then isReady[1] else if !IsNaN(entryPrice) and crisisStop then no else isReady[1];

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_OPEN, isReady and stress <= entryLevel and minPirceOk, tradeSize = investment / close, tickColor = GetColor(1), arrowColor = GetColor(1), name = "StressLE");

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, !minPirceOk, tickColor = GetColor(2), arrowColor = GetColor(2), name = "StressMinPriceLX");
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, stress >= exitLevel, tickColor = GetColor(2), arrowColor = GetColor(2),  name = "StressLX");
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, crisisStop, tickColor = GetColor(2), arrowColor = GetColor(2), name = "StressCrisisStopLX");

A division of TD Ameritrade, Inc.




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* 本网站提供的各种股票软件,例如大智慧软件,通达信软件,同花顺软件,东方财富通等等,和各种股票公式指标,例如大智慧公式,通达信公式,同花顺公式,文华公式,博易大师公式,股票价格计算公式等等公式指标等,都来源网上公开来源收集

* alg格式飞狐股票公式,可以用飞狐交易师或者交易师软件导入;
* fnc格式大智慧新一代公式指标,可以用大智慧股票软件使用,少部分可以用分析家股票软件引入使用;
* exp格式大智慧经典版股票公式,仅可以用大智慧经典版股票软件引入使用;
* tni和tnc格式通达信股票公式,仅可以用通达信新引入使用,例如可以用通达信股票软件引入使用;
* tne,tn6格式通达信公式,可以用通达信公式编辑器5.0版导入,推荐通达信金融终端版本;
* hxf格式同花顺股票公式,仅可以用同花顺股票软件引入使用。

* 关于股票公式时间限制,如果在引入大智慧公式,交易师公式或者飞狐公式的时候,发现公式名称栏是空白的,这时候调整电脑时间到1997年,又能出现公式名称,并且能正常显示,可能是公式使用期限已过。
* 关于还原公式源码如果你忘记了自己编写的大智慧公式,通达信公式,同花顺公式,操盘手公式,飞狐公式,博易大师公式,金字塔公式,文华公式和交易师公式等等公式的密码,本网可帮恢复源码,有.偿.服.务无意勿扰,点击在线咨询联系我。

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